As promised in our first Zoom meeting last night, I am creating a place for us to share ideas, opinions, and information. Our processes may evolve over time - as there may be a more effective / efficient way to share new ideas than this blog. That’s fine - the processes are far less important than the results that come out of them.
For now, let’s use the comments section of this blog to communicate. I look forward to seeing loads of information in the comments section - surveys we can complete ourselves and encourage others to share our lead; contact information for elected officials we can make aware of our passion and connection to the wild rivers we care about and the species who use them to benefit the living organisms surrounding their banks; films, articles, etc. that educate and inspire us; and - perhaps most importantly - our own reflections as we being taking action to make waves for wild salmon preservation in the American Northwest.
I’ll begin with the link for DamNation - in the comments below. Enjoy the film, then share whatever you feel compelled to do so. The power in this group is going to come from collaboration and communication. Here we go!!