announcing the 1st annual South Platte River cleanup & fundraiser
It’s all-systems-go mode at GOALS.
There’s so much going on. We are expanding the depth and breadth of our programming - diversifying the populations we serve and creating new opportunities for kids to impact ongoing river conservation efforts. This is a very exciting time.
Programs aren’t the only thing evolving.
We’re working to reduce our dependence on fee-for-service from GOALS kids - funding the majority of our mission through corporate & foundation support, as well as community fundraising. When this achieved, participating in a GOALS expedition will cost far less than it does today - if there is a financial cost at all. You can help us achieve this goal - now.
From 2011-2019, our “vertical challenge” ski-a-thon helped GOALS expand programs & significantly increase financial aid. In its’ 9-year life cycle, the GOALS community raised over $200,000 through peer-to-peer donations. COVID killed the event in 2020, and we’re replacing it with something that feels much more “GOALS-y.”
Drum roll, please…
GOALS is excited to partner with Denver-based Protect Our Rivers - hosting a river cleanup on Denver’s South Platte River that will officially kick off our 2022 season. We’re thrilled about this event – it is directly aligned with our mission, and makes it possible for anyone who wants to support GOALS to make a difference - as long as they’re capable of picking up trash along a river!
Sounds fun! But, how can I raise money by cleaning up a river?
Easy, peasy. Team members will create their own fundraising page HERE. (It’s free and takes 2 minutes to be up & running!)
Collectively, our crew will commit to removing at least 1,000 POUNDS OF TRASH from the South Platte on Saturday, April 30 – and donations will be based on giving a penny ($10), nickel ($50), dime ($100), quarter ($250) or dollar ($1,000) per pound of trash removed.
It’s just like the vertical challenge - you’ll ask as many friends as possible to either fundraise through the river cleanup with you OR to make a donation to your individual page. The success of this event depends entirely on how many people get involved - it’s not important that you’re at the top of the leaderboard - it’s just important that you’re on it.
Who can participate?
Everyone - that’s one of the beautiful parts of this event. We hope to build a team hundreds strong - GOALS alumni kids and their families; leaders and guides; even those who support our work but have never been directly tied to an expedition. Come one, come all - join the support community that’s improving a local river while empowering the GOALS mission!
Count me in!
That’s the correct answer – and the support GOALS needs. You can join as an individual or - even better - you can captain a team of friends. No matter how you participate, please don’t wait - the event is just over 50 days away, and we’ve got work to do to reach our ambitious $50,000 goal.
Just click on the event poster or the button below to get started. Thanks so much for being part of what we’ve designed to be a fun, rewarding, community-building event that keeps moving GOALS forward. It takes a village to make it happen, and we’re glad you’re a part of it. Here we go!