Parent/Guardian Name (if you prefer to remain anonymous, just leave this field blank)
First Name
Last Name
Child Name (if you prefer to remain anonymous, just leave this field blank)
First Name
Last Name
Which expedition team was your child a part of?
Futaleufu - March 15 - 30
Desolation - June 7 - 14
Main Salmon - June 28 - July 5
Rogue - July 7 - 14
Ruby - July 15 - 19
Rogue - July 18 - 25
Lodore - July 28 - August 3
Lodore - September 2 - 8
How many GOALS expeditions had your child been on PRIOR TO this one?
1. My child's GOALS expedition made them feel courageous, confident and accomplished.
I agree.
I feel neutral.
I disagree.
2. My child's GOALS expedition provided relief from the stress & anxiety that have become their norm.
I agree.
I feel neutral.
I disagree.
3. My child's GOALS expedition brought out a playfulness and re-awoke their inner child.
I agree.
I feel neutral.
I disagree.
4. My child's GOALS expedition gave them opportunities to explore places they would likely never have seen otherwise.
I agree.
I feel neutral.
I disagree.
5. My child's GOALS expedition created connections at the deeper, more authentic level that humans crave.
I agree.
I feel neutral.
I disagree.
6. My child's GOALS expedition revealed their ability to make an impact on the people and places they care most about.
I agree.
I feel neutral.
I disagree.
7. My child's GOALS expedition enhanced their sense of value and self-worth.
I agree.
I feel neutral.
I disagree.
8. My child's GOALS expedition motivated them to assess & evaluate how people and habits are impacting their life.
I agree.
I feel neutral.
I disagree.
9. My child's GOALS expedition encouraged them to be a "change maker" - no matter how small or large the change may seem.
I agree.
I feel neutral.
I disagree.
10. My child's GOALS expedition guided them to under-utilized parts of their brain they enjoyed living in.
I agree.
I feel neutral.
I disagree.
11. My child's GOALS expedition changed their life.
I agree.
I feel neutral.
I disagree.
1. Because of their GOALS experience(s), my child...
2. GOALS is a program that...
3. My favorite thing about GOALS is...
4. If I could change one thing about GOALS, it would be...
Share your own word(s) here:
When your child describes their expedition, what lessons / activities / themes seem to have had the greatest impact on them?
When you tell people who are unfamiliar with GOALS about your child’s experience, are you more likely to describe it as a river trip, or as “more than just a river trip.” Please briefly explain.
Our expeditions are only as great as the people who lead them. When describing their GOALS leaders and/or professional river guides, do specific names stand out in either a positive or negative manner? What was it about this person(s) that we might share with them to celebrate their positive mentoring or to offer them suggestions for improvement?
GOALS is on a mission to create river expeditions that transform the future for kids and wild places. Using this lens as your measurement for success, do you feel that your child’s experience was transformational? Please be as specific as possible.
Is there anything else you'd like to share?
My Child's GOALS Success Story:
Using a scale of 0-10, I am this interested in volunteering for GOALS events where "boots on the ground" are needed - i.e. river cleanups, the Triple Bypass, etc.
Using a scale of 0-10, I am this interested in sitting on a board-level committee that uses my talents and resources.
Using a scale of 0-10, I am this interested in collaborating with GOALS Director of Development to amplify mission awareness and fundraising efforts within my social network.
Using a scale of 0-10, I am this interested in using my talents and/or network to help create an event or activity (centered around either movement, creativity, or justice) on the new SPARK year-round programming calendar for GOALS.
If there are other ways you would like to remain involved, please describe them here: