First Name
Last Name
When thinking about the team of KIDS you lead on this expedition, were there any who stood out in either a positive or a negative way? Please offer brief descriptions of how any exemplary participants made the experience more positive for you/the rest of their team and/or how any challenging participants presented challenges that were unnecessary or inappropriate. (Note: your answers are completely confidential and will not be shared beyond GOALS staff)
When thinking about the team of GOALS LEADERS you collaborated with on this expedition, were there any who stood out in either a positive or negative way? Please offer brief descriptions of how leaders you enjoyed working with improved the experience for you/the team and/or constructive criticism that may help leaders you found challenging to collaborate with grow. (Once again, your answers are confidential).
When thinking about the team of RIVER GUIDES you partnered with on this expedition, were there any who stood out in either a positive or negative way? Please offer brief descriptions of how leaders you enjoyed working with improved the experience for you/the team and/or constructive criticism that may help leaders you found challenging to collaborate with grow. (Once again, your answers are confidential).
What were your roses? What events or activities did you absolutely love?
What were your thorns? What didn't go well?
What was missing? Are there things that we could do to make your next GOALS expedition even better - for you or for another group of young people?
There are lots of logistics required to pull of a river expedition - and in the process of dotting every i and crossing every t, things can often feel chaotic. Do you have suggestions / feedback regarding the application/registration process? How about the sharing of information from GOALS to leaders / participants?
GOALS prides itself on the tagline "more than just a river trip." Do you feel that what you just created & experienced was, in fact, more than just a river trip? If so, why?
The GOALS mission is to transform the future for kids and wild places. Using this lens as your measurement for success, do you feel that the expedition you just lead was transformational - for the kids in your group and/or for yourself? Please be as specific as possible.
What did you bring to the expedition's leadership that would have been missing if you weren't present? (i.e. how did you absolutely shine out there??)
What did you learn/witness/realize during this expedition that will make you an even better leader next time you're out with a GOALS group?
1. The one thing about this expedition that really exceeded my expectations was...
2. I've got to say - this part of the experience really let me down...
3. I wasn't expecting myself to do/learn/try/feel this while I was on the river - but I'm sure glad that I did...
4. If I could go back and do it all again, I would...
5. I am leaving this expedition feeling a strong sense of...
Is there anything else you'd like to share?
And the ______________ award(s) goes to...