Which expedition team were you on in 2023?
Futaleufu - March 18 - April 2
Desolation - June 2 - 9
Rogue - June 14 - 21
Yampa - June 26 - July 2
Rogue - July 2 - 9
Cataract - July 15 - 23
Ruby - July 17 - 20
Main Salmon - July 23 - 30
How many GOALS expeditions have you been on PRIOR TO this one in 2023?
If you'd like to, please share your name below. If you prefer to remain anonymous, just leave this field blank and continue.
First Name
Last Name
How old are you?
What is your gender identity?
Prefer not to respond
1. My GOALS expedition reduced the stress, anxiety, and/or depression that I am accustomed to living with.
I agree.
I feel neutral.
I disagree.
2. My GOALS expedition improved my relationships with friends - both on and off the river.
I agree.
I feel neutral.
I disagree.
3. My GOALS expedition empowered me to take on new challenges - recognizing that I grow when I'm not afraid to "fail forward."
I agree.
I feel neutral.
I disagree.
4. My GOALS expedition helped me get to know and proudly present my authentic self to the world.
I agree.
I feel neutral.
I disagree.
5. My GOALS expedition helped me feel comfortable sharing my opinions and ideas among a group of my peers.
I agree.
I feel neutral.
I disagree.
6. My GOALS expedition made me feel a sense of belonging within a supportive community.
I agree.
I feel neutral.
I disagree.
7. My GOALS expedition motivated me to prioritize my mental health.
I agree.
I feel neutral.
I disagree.
8. My GOALS expedition inspired me to protect and preserve wild places so that others can have the same experience(s) I have.
I agree.
I feel neutral.
I disagree.
9. My GOALS expedition showed me that I can impact the people & causes that are important to me.
I agree.
I feel neutral.
I disagree.
10. My GOALS expedition changed my life.
I agree.
I feel neutral.
I disagree.
1. I love GOALS because...
2. I wish GOALS would...
What are your very favorite parts of the GOALS experience?
Do you have any suggestions for improvement?
Were there specific GOALS leaders or river guides who you felt had a particularly powerful influence on your trip - either positively or negatively?
Is there anything else you'd like to share?
Which of the options above would make you excited to get involved in year-round GOALS activities if they were offered?
Option 1 - the SPARK calendar - I crave opportunities to nurture the "sparks" I'm passionate about.
Option 2 - the social calendar. I'd be stoked to cheer on my new friends with other GOALS kids.
EITHER Option 1 or 2. I just want more opportunities to strengthen the connections with my GOALS community.
NEITHER - I am not interested in GOALS year-round programming.
Since the drop-down above only allows you to pick one option, if you have anything else to share (or other great ideas for year-round programming), please use the box below.
My GOALS Success Story: